
Can/does your 13 month old stack blocks yet?

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Hi just wondering-mine cant or just doesn't want to

She has a good pincer grasp & loves puttying things into her toy box & then taking them out & can put the balls into the small holes in her Fisher-Price Roll-a-Rounds: Drop & Roar Dinosaur so I know her eye hand coordination is pretty good

just wondering if stacking blocks is considered a "milestones" since I always read about how at 9 months or so your baby should be able to stack blocks




  1. My son loves stacking blocks, and has done so since about nine months.  However, he doesn't put balls in holes or put things in and out of a toybox like your daughter does.  Thus, each kid is different.  There is nothing to worry about.  Your daughter's fine motor skills are fine, she just doesn't like blocks.

  2. No, mine can't, yet she is very coordinated with her small motor skills.

  3. my one year old is almost stacking. she'll pick up the block and put it on anther, but hasn't gotten the concept of letting it go. i don't think at this point its a major milestone. later on, they have a certain number of blocks they should be able to stack, but at this point its not a huge concern. you do have the one year check coming up, so you can always ask her doctor.  

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