
Can dog d-wormer hurt cats??

by Guest56769  |  earlier

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my cats got some of the potted meat that i put my dogs d-wormer in will it hurt her




  1. yes

  2. Yes it can hurt her. That can also hurt your dog too, and probalby won't get rid of the worms. Trying to save money using store brand de wormer usually won't save any money because you wind up taking them to the vet because they still have worms.

    If your kitten has seen the vet recently you can call them with the brand of wormer, aprox. amount ingested, and the weight of the cat.

    Really you should take the dog in for worming.  

  3. Yes...

    (example) flea killer / topical if put on cats will cause them to go into convulsions.

    Get what is perscribed for cat/ size/ age etc.  

  4. Call your vet and ask. Your vet's office has a wealth of information at their fingertips, and I'm sure they will have the answer to this. I guess it depends on how much the cat ate as to whether or not it will hurt her. Cats don't always show that they are sick until it's too late to do anything to help them, so please call the vet and ask. Your cat may not show anything is wrong until she's at death's door, so you may not have any symptoms until she's really sick.

    Good luck. Pet your kitty for me.

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