
Can dogs be allergic to bees?

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There was a yellow jacket in my living room and my dog was playing with it and killed it. Apparently it stung him because now he is rubbing his nose on everything and rolling around on the floor like he is crazy and barking! Will he be okay?




  1. Get him to the vet ASAP. Dogs are just as sensitive to allergies as humans, and if the allergy is especially bad, it could be dangerous for him.

  2. Yes they can be allergic.My friend's Rough Collie had to have surgery after getting stung. I advise you to take him to the vet right away.

  3. My dog is extremely allergic.  A bee stung her and her entire face swelled up.  It seems like your dog is having a reaction now, bring her to a vet right away.

  4. Yes, my brother is allergic to bees.

  5. Yes! They can be very allergic to bees. If the dog continues to act out in pain or if it starts swelling more than  a little call the vet. You may be advised to give benedryl to ease the swelling and itching. If the dogs breathing becomes labored at all take it to the vet IMMEDIATELY.

  6. A dog that is stung, particularly on the face or in the mouth by a bee may very well have a strong reaction much like a person with swelling. I always keep children's formula of Benadryl on my dog first aid shelf. A call to the vet to ask how much to give would be in order. As a rule, it's not serious and the Benadryl will take the swelling away in short order. Discourage your dog from biting at bees! Other insect bites can also be bad and even worse than a bee sting.  

  7. Dogs can be allergic. Their symptoms are the same as for people: extreme swelling and difficulty breathing. If he isn't showing those signs, he will probably be just fine. You can always call your vet's office and ask the experts, though.

  8. Obviously, he is feeling pain.  Look to see if he is having a lot of swelling.  If he has swelling around the mouth and he wasn't stung there, rush him to the vet.  Otherwise, just as with humans, he'll feel better after a while.

  9. Yes, all animal are capable of having allergies ( but, like a bee can't be allergic to a bee). Take him to the vet!

  10. bring him to the vet

  11. Yes They can be. Studies say that 1 in ten dogs are allergic to bees.

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