
Can dogs breed with any type of dog?

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I have never owned any type of pet, but, was wondering if you can take any two dogs...great dane, mini pincher, or lab and doberman and dogs that are not the same breed... and make puppies.




  1. Yes - They're called MUTTS

  2. Yes, any dog can breed with any other type of dog.  You can breed anything that is in the same species.  Every living thing is in a certain Biological Classification, species is the last, most specific one.

    That's how lions and tigers are bred together, and zebras and horses, they're all in the same species.

  3. Really if they are around the same size (so one doesn't hurt the other) you can breed them. But if you have to dogs around the same size and want little puppies, don't do it just because you can. Backyard Breeder's puppies usually end up in shelters.

  4. yes..  dogs are all the same specie..  any breed of dog can breed with any other breed of dog.  This is where mutts come from.

    Its not advised to breed different breeds tho, as we already have PLENTY of mixed breed dogs in shelters.  Plus if you breed a larger breed male to a smaller female, that puts the female at risk for complications.

  5. you can but you shouldnt.  there are way too many homeless mutts in the world for irresponsible breeders to add more.  if you are going to become a breeder then there are certain things that must be done beforehand to ensure that you are being a responsible and ethical breeder.

    breeding mutts is not responsible nor ethical.

  6. Yes, any dogs can breed with any breed. The puppies will be healthy unless the dogs are too closely related.  

  7. Where do you think SHARPOOS and those "darling" little PEEKAPOOS come from?

    We have a Black Lab but I can assure you that Daddy was not a Black Lab. Daddy was a Terrier Cross (mutt).

  8. Actually you can't. You wouldn't be able to breed like a Great Dane and a Chihuahua. The people that said you can have not met my biology teacher, and therefore, aren't very up to date on the world.  

  9. Yes, you could do that, but not all dogs will want to breed with eachother or it is not physically possible because of size difference. But artifical insemination is possible

  10. Yes because all dogs are the same species but i would suggest it. Like one answer said there are already enough homeless mixed breeds in the world.

  11. You can but when the male is a lot larger and heavier than the female, the female usually dies because the puppies are bigger than her.

  12. hmm intresting. i think they have to be somewhat the same,'

    please awnser mine

  13. Sure they can, that's where all the mixed breed mutts come from.

  14. they can but plz do not create the need for more euthanasia vials.we have enough idiots out there breeding without u helping them sorry for brash answer though i feel very strongly about this

  15. yes they can

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