
Can dogs die from chocolate?

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  1. if they eat way way way too much. if they eat a fair amount they'll be fine or they'll throw up and then be fine.

  2. Yes dogs can die from chocolate if you give them to much of it, it is ok to give a dog a little bit of chocolate but to much will kill it...


  3. Yes dogs can die from chocolate. There's an ingredients in it that doesn't help their system!

  4. Didn't you just ask this?

    And yes, dogs can die from chocolate.

  5. Yes they can. Chocolate is extremely poisonous to dogs. Never give any chocolate to a dog.  

  6. you already asked this!!

    Yes, there is a chemical in chocolate called theobromine. The article below explains things better.

  7. Death by Chocolate is very possible with dogs  

  8. Yes

  9. yes they can my dog died  from chocolate when he ran away and he fainted then a car hit him.

  10. what the h**l...didnt u just asked that question like 3 minutes ago?

  11. Yes they can. The theobromine in the chocolate causes them heart problems.

    What are the signs of toxicity?

    Signs are most commonly seen within 12 hours (or less) of chocolate ingestion.

        * Excitement / nervousness / trembling

        * Vomiting / diarrhea

        * Excessive thirst / sometimes excessive urination (at higher levels of Theobromine toxicity)

        * Muscle spasms

        * Seizures

        * Coma (rare

        * Death (rare) -- likely due to heart rhythm abnormalities.

    So, given the right dosage, those are things that can happen to your dog if it eats chocolate. -!-

  12. yes, they can - its very toxxic.

  13. yes its toxic to dogs and can kill them if they eat too much you shouldn't give any chocolate at all to dogs  

  14. YES! chocolate is to rich for their bodies! dont feed them chocolate feed them dog food only

  15. Well ya if they eat to much

  16. While the pathetic begging look that goes across the face of a dog wanting chocolate can weaken the most stoic dog owner, stay firm. Do not give in. Ever.

    Once dogs have tasted chocolate, they want more.

    And for dogs, that's a bad thing.

    You might disagree, thinking back to a time when you noticed a dog enjoying a tidbit of chocolate with no deleterious effect.

    Don't be fooled.

    The problem, according to veterinary experts, is that eating a speck of chocolate leads a dog to crave more. It can mean that your dog will jump at a opportunity to get any type of chocolate, not knowing that certain chocolates are more lethal than other types. Larger amounts of chocolate, particularly of the most toxic type, can bring about epileptic seizures in some dogs, and in all dogs, can kill.

    Poisoning of dogs by chocolate is not as uncommon as you might think.

    "Chocolate ingestions are one common reason why pet owners and veterinarians call us," said Dana Farbman, Certified Veterinary Technician and Manager, Client and Professional Relations, ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center. "However, it would be difficult to verify an exact ranking in frequency of calls, as the types of substances we receive calls on can vary greatly depending on many factors, including the time of year. We

  17. no not nesasaraly yes in a way tho to    chocolate harms small dogs more it can also har,m big dogs but if its a small amount then the dog should be okay and if the dogs starts to throw up or just look sick then you should take him/her to the vet but like i said a small amount should be okay but if its a small dogs you should be more worryed, but if its a big dog it should pass throw them like dog food just not to much of it, and if the dog hasent eatin any yet plz dont risk it and give him/her some       hope this answerd it for you     plz pick me for best answer i know alot about dogs i own 4 dogs my self

  18. Yes dogs can die from having too much chocolate. If you have ever fed like a little nibble once or twice in the dogs lifetime it is fine. The chocolate works like poison on tour pet and is not good for him/her. DO NOT FEED YOUR DOG CHOCOLATE!!!!

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