
Can dogs get ashtma?

by  |  earlier

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silly question, can dogs suffer from asthma and if they can what are the symptoms and how are they treated??? an inhaler would be difficalt to use on your dog am ii not right lol?? sorry to sound stupud :(




  1. Yes,they get sick just like we do.When you take them to the vet the medicine are the same we take but in smaller doses.For ashtma they have liquid solutions to give them.

  2. Yes they can!  Your vet would probably prescribe steroid tablets or injections and on bad days you would have a nebuliser where you hold the mask just infront of her nose for her or him to inhale.

    Symptoms would be shortness of breath, a wheezing noise and a general tucked up look (drawing the under carriage in to breath - you will see a muscle line.)

  3. On a guess, you're hearing you dog inhaling quickly with a snooking sound - a reverse sneeze. IF this is the problem- its usually mild and not considered worth treating.  Rubbing the throat may help stop a bout, so can holding a finger in front of the nose (like you would for a sneeze)  

  4. Yes they can. I have  a friend who has an asthmatic golden retriever.  I believe she does use an inhaler with him, too.  Wheezing would be the main symptom and a lack of tolerance for exercise.  Steroidal therapy is also used.

  5. Why exactly are you asking? Is your dog having some sort of breathing problem? If so it could be any number of contagious viral diseases. Dogs can contract many things, and if your dog has something like kennel cough, you should seek your vet's help immediately!!!

  6. Yes.  My moms dog has it.  He sounds terrible when he gets excited but they don't have to " treat"  him for it.  The vet obviously gave them more information so I would make him an appointment and get it all check out.

  7. Yes, it is possible but it is rare. Usually breathing difficulties are symptoms of another problem. Either way, you really should take your dog to the vet. If it is asthma, then the vet will give you a guideline as to how to treat the disease.

    Most common respiratory problems are: Tracheobronchitis, sinusitis, tumors, nasal mites, and #1 is allergies. All of these things can be treated if caught early enough. Also, they are all serious if they are not treated. So, all in all, get the dog to the vet.

    btw... not a stupid question.

  8. i dunno :S

  9. yes little dogs are more prone to get breathing difficulties since their throat tubes are so small and collape easier than big can make them choke and not get enough air into their lungs.if the dog is wheezing and has a rattle in his chest it could be asthma or allergies along with weepy eyes. the best thing to do after seeing the vet is to plug in a vaporizer to keep moisture in the air and make sure there are no smoke,strong perfumes or anything that can fill the lungs up causing him congestion.just like people they have to be to able to breath in fresh clean air.where ever the dog is make sure the vap is in the same room and cool air outside is helpfull to open the trachea.keep him warm and dry and take him for daily walks for excersize but if there is a heavy smog or lots of pollen just let him do potty and back in so the particules will not be inhaled. my son was asmatic and with him fresh air was ok but real cold air like snowy days and ice rinks made him have coffee was good for a stimulate and helped open him us dogs breath in all things floating around in our home and outdoors so u have to treat them the same way by keeping them away from strong odors and thick smelly air.ur vet will tell u a lot more and give ur pooch meds to help him breathe better.good luck i hope this helps a little.
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