
Can dogs have Charlie Horses? ( Muscle spasms)

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I think my little dog just had a charlie horse, because he was just laying there and then was crying and would let you touch his leg.




  1. Yes, they can.

    I remember walking my dog when I was a kid.

    I took Nicky Dog for a good long walk but she was getting on in years.

    One of her back legs seized up and I had to carry her home.

    She was better the next morning.  So your dog should be okay. If he doesn't improve in a day or two you might consider going to vet.

    I hope your little dog feels better.

  2. Well, I know they can get arthritis, so it would follow they can get leg cramps.

  3. Yes they can get muscle cramps.

    The pain is caused by chemical build up when the muscles are over used or injured.  Tannic acid forms in the muscles and makes it hurt.  (That's just what it does).

    The same cause as people and the same remedy.  Rest, warm compresses and lots of fluids (it'll flush the chemicals).

    Good luck.

  4. Yes, it's possible, since dogs have muscles just as we do.

  5. Yes they can!!

  6. it is not normal for dogs.Watch him closely:he may need to see a vet.Unexplained sudden spasms, cramps?sudden pain:something to do with the nerves?see if this happens again.does it last more than a few seconds?few minutes?Make a note of these things.tell the vet.

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