
Can dogs have colds?

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My puppy was sneezing a lot and snot would shoot out. Gross, yeah . Now she's coughing a lot and hacking up 'phlem'. She went to the vet just a few days ago for a check up but she didn't have this cold yet. Should I be worried or is it normal for a puppy to get a cold?




  1. Maybe, but it might be allergies.

  2. could be kennel cough, go to the vet & get some antibiotics

  3. dogs dont really get "colds" the same way you and I do.

    Dogs can get upper respitory or sinus infections, allergies, or even distemper or kennel cough will cause these symptoms.

    Your dog should see the vet to diagnose and recieve proper treatment.  I wouldnt wait for your pup to get over it.. if he has distemper, it can kill him

  4. Absolutely. Hooch gets them every winter.

  5. Yes they can if not taking care of they can be harmed by it but its not that serious so dont freak just take care of him/her and the dog will be fine :)

  6. yeah they can get upper respiratory infections..also what is called kennel cough.  Usually dogs are given a vaccine called bordetella to prevent this, but if the snot is green definitely need to get her to the vet.

  7. YES! They get colds a lot.

  8. Dogs can get colds, but it isn't as common as with humans. Dogs have AMAZING immune systems, so they aren't bothered by them (or other things) as often or seriously as we are.

    First off a cold is caused by a virus, so antibiotics are not helpful and can be more harmful if taken when not needed. With viruses, mostly we treat the symptoms.

    Bordatella (kennel cough) is a respiratory infection in is NOT a cold, it can be very serious. Usually, there is a cough associated with it, so you will know (kinda like a whooping sound...croup??). Kennel cough is very contagious to dogs....USUALLY it is acquired from another dog (thus the name kennel cough) and can spread quickly. I think a dog could get it from not only being near another dog with it, but also from sniffing other dog's stool or other body fluids.

    Distemper is a very serious disease for dogs....mostly it will allow other infections to manifest, that's how you know. Simply best to get all vaccinations on schedule.

    Here's what I do to tell if my dogs need to go to the vet.... Any life threatening issues IE can't breath? Non responsive to stimuli? Diarrhea for more than a day (less than that for puppies, dehydration is very serious)? Doesn't eat or drink for more than a day? Can't walk? Not quite themselves for a couple days?

    These are just basic guidelines that I use. Of course you know your dog better than anyone else. Sometimes a trip to the vet is more helpful to YOU than the dog. If I can't figure out what's wrong with my babies, I figure it's worth $40 to have a professional opinion. So, if you think she needs to see the Dr., then of course take her, you'll both feel better!

    I'm no expert, but I am a (human) nurse, have pretty good common sense, and have had dogs for a long time. Good luck with the cold!

  9. Yes they can get colds and flu just like humans it's just a different strain.  I wouldn't let it go on for long before I'd see the vet again to make sure it's not something more serious.  The longer you wait the more it'll cost to treat because of the severity of it. She really should be on antibiotics.  Take good care.

  10. They can get colds. Take him to the vet, that's the best for him. He needs medicine to clear up his cold. Good luck.
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