
Can dogs have corn on the cob??

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is it ok for dogs to have corn/corn on the cob??




  1. Yes it is fine. i know this because i give my dog corn on the cob and he loves it.  And it depends on how big the dog is if it is small its okay if it is medium its ok and if its big its ok. Trust me i have had first hand experience and i know that dogs are ok woth corn on the cob.

  2. it is perfectly it wont kill him, but it can be very hard for them to digest the corn, but dont worry! they may choke on the cob, but if you hold it out for them and dont just leave it there... it should be fine!

  3. ghetto dogs

  4. Yes but you need to watch them so they dont eat the cob its a HUGE choking hazard! :]

  5. yea its okay

  6. it is ok, my dog weighs 190 pounds i give him corn right out of the garden, he even peels it before he eats it.

    he eats the cob and all.

  7. The only problem is that they, like us, can't break down corn so don't let them eat a lot and of course, no cob.

  8. Just don't give them too much, little bit is okay.

  9. definitely not with the cob the cob's fiberous material is very hard to digest and can cause problems with the dog elminating it from its system.

  10. probably not the cob

    they would probably chew it up

    and eat it.

    maybe just the corn?

  11. no

  12. i don't see why not!

  13. i have 2 chihuahuas and they eat my leftover....nothing has happened to them... they dont really chew up the cob because the are small:)  

  14. I isn't a good idea to give a dog any of your food besides plain meat with out anything. But it is better if you just stick to giving your dog it's dog food. Human and dog stomachs are different.

  15. yeah but dont give the hole cop take the corn of it and it give it to them

  16. yes but not on the cob

  17. Not on the cob, remove a small amount & mix in their food.

    Most dogs like veggies, but cannot digest them too well.

  18. It isn't a good idea to give them the cob.  They can choke on it.  If you take the corn OFF the cob and give them a small amount, it is fine.

  19. only if you cut the corn off the cob.

  20. animals should eat animal food.. no human food.. if they get to much or see that it taste better they will start to not eat there animal food but eat human food.. it can cause many problems with them..

    so i would say no

  21. I wouldn't suggest it. Even if you took the corn off the cob and just gave him that, it's bad for him. My dog recently suffered from a problem in his pancreus from eating people food instead of his dog food. He almost died. I wouldn't want anyone else to suffer like my family and my loyal companion did from the disease. Please try to feed your dog the food it's supossed to eat.

  22. Many dogs love to chew on corn cobs -- most love the taste of the salt, butter, and bits of corn, plus they are just fun to chew. However... corn cobs can cause intestinal obstruction, a very serious (and potentially fatal) medical condition. Additionally, some dogs are allergic to corn and can suffer intestinal effects from allergy as well as the cob obstruction.

    Please keep all cobs away from your dog, safely secured in the trash. Dogs can be very "creative" when they want something in the trash, so make sure that the garbage is emptied or otherwise access protected from your pet.

    If you suspect your dog has eaten a cob (or any food or foreign material that they shouldn't have), please call your vet as soon as possible. The sooner, the better!

    Signs seen with intestinal obstruction may include: vomiting or dry heaves, diarrhea (or straining), anorexia, painful abdomen, lethargy. Your vet will be able to advise you on the best course of action, be it watch-and-wait or be examined immediately.

  23. The corn is not going to hurt them or do much for them except make them fat. When I raised hogs the last few weeks I would feed them nothing but corn to fatten them up.

    As far as the cob, do not let your dogs near one. I has a pup get into the garbage and get a little cob. It blocked her intestine and resulted in a $3000.00 surgery.  

  24. yeah not such a good idea with bigger dogs because then they can break the cob into pieces and choke on it. kinda like turkey bones...

  25. as long as they dont eat the cob

  26. It isn't going to hurt them, in fact I have a friend that has a dog  that eats corn right off the cob. he uses his front teeth, just like humans do. they have corn in there dog food anyway, so why give it to them directly.

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