
Can dogs see ghosts?

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I've never believed in ghosts, but recently something really freaked me out...

My elderly aunt lives in an old farmhouse that is over 120 years old. She has a bichon frise dog. It has the cutest habit (as I understand most bichons do) of sitting up and pawing at the air with two feet. Auntie's dog seems to do this to get attention.

The other evening her dog was sitting in a corner of her living room facing an empty chair. She was pawing the air. ?????




  1. The other day my dog came in with a white feather stuck to her nose, I'm pretty sure it means that she had a encounter with her guardian angel!

  2. yes, animals do see

  3. animals senses are hundreds of times more heightened than ours and that makes them very receptive to the different frequencies and energies around us.

    there have been many stories about animal psi, surely they cant all be wrong.

  4. racist!!!!! RY

  5. animals can see ghosts. we always known that dogs and some animals having ultra or infra hearing, for their ears are designed for sounds of higher / lower frequencies (longer range than us human). but not many realizes that eyes also have ultra or infra sighting, even when it is widely known that light indeed have different frequencies and visible light don't really have a wide range in it.

    my black cat can scare ghosts. would you believe that?

  6. I dont believe in ghosts either, but I believe in energy...Science tells us energy can neither be created nor destroyed, I believe that when a person undergoes an extreme emotion (such as one incurred in death, or when giving birth or other strong emotional evoking event) they give off more energy, leaving behind a "fingerprint" that never disappears...I strongly believe if this "Fingerprint" is intense enough, that it can be sensed (by all our senses, sight, taste, smell, hearing etc...) by animals, children...and even some adults who's minds arent closed to such possibilities...I dont, however, believe in "evil spirits" that are out to "getcha" or  others that can "tell you the secrets of the afterlife"

  7. in Jamaica,as my dad and mom who are both jamaica once told me when ever a dog does that whooolll sound they here robbers,ghost,or something idk im not really into that so but apparently so!

  8. I one time investigated a haunted building where the caretaker had a dog that stayed on the property with him.  The building has a grand staircase that goes up the middle of the foyer.   One day the dog was staring up the staircase and the caretaker said he heard a voice that said "That dog can see us".   It is not uncommon to hear voices aloud in this abandoned building, I have heard them several times, but I thought it was interesting that they knew the dog could see them.  Yup, I do think they can.

  9. Who knows for certain, but...

    every time my dog walks into the living room (which she visits about 20 times a day and has for the last 13 years), she looks around like she has never seen this strange place before...

    so I don't suppose she is all that intuitive.



  10. My dog slept during a vivid ghostly encounter. Who's to say?

  11. In most of the research I've read, animals and children are more open to paranormal experiences.

  12. It depends on the owner, some owners have great imaginations and anytime their dog does something even slightly unusual that they can't understand come to the conclusion that it would have to be a ghost.

    Other owners realise that a dog is reacting to something real that we can't perceive due to our inferior hearing and smell or like your aunts dog doing something cute to get attention.

  13. This question falls under the way each person believes. If you believe in ghosts and believe dogs see ghosts then yes the dog was seeing a ghost.

    I happen to think they can but I also know that dogs and cats can act strange at times and it may or may not be a ghost they are reacting to.


  14. Dogs and cats have very strong sense much better than humans. It is possible for them to see and hear things we can't i knwo this is true because my cat freaked out and refused to go into the master bedroom of my hosue and my mom took her in there and found a sweater that was not mine or my mom's and we have never seen it before and it was just lying on the yes dogs can see ghosts....

  15. They are much more sensitive than we are, so its plausible.

  16. Some people believe, based on witnessing the kind of behavior you mention here, that dogs can see ghosts.  I have seen no evidence to suggest this is the case, especially since we are incapable of asking dogs what motivates their behavior.  Ultimately it's untestable and unknowable.  Those who contend otherwise might just be exercising a little wishful thinking.

  17. Yes! Dogs and cats can see ghosts. (Other animals too I'm sure)

    I recently saw an orb fly by me and noticed my dog (also a bichon frisee!) saw it as well,she followed it until it passed through the door to outside.

    My husband and I have even seen ghost dogs and other small animals for years! there was a cat spirit that stayed with us for a couple of years. It really behaved like a house cat.I even felt it hop on the bed, walk accross the blankets and curl up against me.

  18.'s a dog.......
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