
Can dogs sense ghosts?

by Guest63099  |  earlier

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My dog wakes up in the middle of the night and starts barking and i had my friend over and he started whining and crying and his ears were laid back and he got up and started barking and walking in circles!he went to the door and i looked out no cats raccoons squirrels nothing that would make him do that i let him out to see if he ran to get it or had to go to the bathroom but he was crying at the door and funny thing was we were suppose to sleep in my camper that night and once my friend said "that is it were not going out there!" he just stopped barking and laid down and went to sleep!what could it mean?




  1. Yes I think so. Animals tend to be more sensitive than humans to the environment around them. They can hear sounds we cant hear too.

  2. Yes. dogs have ESP and can hear and see things that we can't.

  3. he might have had a bad dream, poor guy :(

  4. well if it was already the middle of the night when he started you obviously werent gonna sleep out there anyway, maybe you gys frightened youself with stories and worrying/ i think dogs can, but i think its unlikely.dont worry!

  5. Yes they can ,but nothing in your questions really points to a ghost.He may be hearing coyotes in the distance on the hunt and its scareing him or it could be another noise you are not hearing.I really think its more of a - he hears some thing that you don't thing.Tilks Mom

  6. Dogs can sence a ton of things, but im not sure about ghosts.

  7. My dog definatly sense the spirit that is in my house. We were having trouble with strange noises, things being moved (kitchen table) and electronics acting strange. Oscar would often start growling and barking at nothing, and he is usually a very quiet dog. One day oscar was barking down the hallway and was having a fit. My husband told the spirit to go away. Oscar was growling AS he was backing up from the hallway. He backed up until he was near the stairs (not moving his head once) He sat at a distance and his head actually followed as if he could as clear as day see somebody turn the corner and walk up the stairs.

    Pretty creepy

  8. if dogs can sense fear, i think they can sens ghosts as well.

  9. umm no dogs can't sense ghosts because ghosts aren't real maybe it was something outside you couldn't see or a bad dream that your dog had

  10. yes

  11. i think soo but maby its a habit or someone blew a dog wistle thing;...

  12. that could be it or he could of felt threatened by something and was try-n to protect u and dogs do c ghosts its their unique way of sight that helps detect them that's what i think

  13. make sure there isn't a prowler but dogs have been associated with supernatural things in the past. maybe some recording device outside to see if it is a person or animal you didn't notice scaring the dog. if it is supernatural you only really have to worry until you start noticing odd things, otherwise its probably a benevolent spirit.

  14. Absolutely, They are much more sensitive than humans. My sisters cat go crazy over something in their house.

  15. There has been talk that they can sense ghosts, but I don't think there has been any tests done to confirm it.

    They do have very sensitive hearing and can hear things we can't, so maybe he just heard something that made him uneasy.

    It could just have been a coincidence that he calmed down when your friend decided not to sleep in the camper.

  16. Yes, we lived in a haunted house once. Lots of inexplicable things happened before we decided to get the heck out, but one of the coolest is that our cat would stop and stare at seemingly nothing and growl with his hair standing up. If you stood in his line of vision, he would look around you and keep growling. I definitely think animals have a much sharper sense of these things than humans.

  17. my teacher said that dogs can even hear unseen creatures in the middle of the night . Their barks are very different from their normal barks.

  18. YES!!

    Once I was at the grave yard and a homeless dog came by and started petting it and all of sudden the dog ran away and started barking and this was at night and i think it sensed something.

  19. Well it could have been a ghost, or lights from a cop car, coyotes, traffic, newspaper delivery guy, critters, Propane driver, it could have been many things that were gone by the time you got to the door, but I like the ghost theory best.

  20. all animals have a sort of sixth sense, like they can tell when someone is about to come in the door or before a storm, so im sure that ghosts are possible

  21. yes they can  dogs can sense a lot of things we cannot,,

    my last dog used to stare at a certain corner of our living room..he has since passed on,,and one of the dogs we have now,,will, especially in the evening,,sit and stare at the exact same spot,,with head to one side,,,,

  22. No, because ghosts dont exist...

    The dog may be upset/sick - s/he may have worms...

  23. yeaa

  24. Some people believe that dogs have a sixth sense of some sort and can detect negative energy when we can't.

    Some people also believe that dogs can sense other things that we can't, and kinda tell the future.

    Maybe your dog sensed someone lurking around your camper?

  25. yes they can butit doesnt mean you have one. you might and u might not. wait a little longer and if anything else happens contact someone. like ghost people..

  26. u cant really sence ghosts, but maybe he thought he herd something?

  27. I think so. My dog usually never growls at anyone but when there is a shady character around she can sense evil or's weird.

  28. sounds pretty scary. :/

    that's cool if dogs could sense ghosts. i would totally buy one!

  29. Dogs Can Hear sounds humans can't, he might have heard another dog or a mouse, or something else.

  30. Anything is possible. Animals seem to have a keen sense of impending death or illness, so if ghosts really exist, I wouldn't doubt that your dog can sense them too.

  31. Yes. Animals are said to have a "sixth sense". This doesn't mean that that is what your dog saw, but I do believe that animals can sense and can see ghost or supernatural things!
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