
Can dogs sense spirits, demons or ghosts?

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I am wondering if I have a spirit, possibly a demon, haunting me, I guess you could say. And it's brought to my attention by my dog, who is a very intelligent dog and sometimes I swear I can have a conversation w/ her just by her facial expressions and the way she acts. There have been 2 significant times she has acted so weird it's freaked me out to the point of hysteria and crying.

First experience was about 6 months ago, it was a Sunday I remember b/c I went to church that morning and our pastor preached a sermon on a possessed man that went up to Jesus in a church and Jesus cast the demon out of him. That definitely didn't help the way my dog acted. I was sitting in a chair in my room watching TV when my dog "Rocko" started whimpering kind of. So I got up and walked over to her bed (which is at the foot of my bed) and started petting her saying "what's wrong baby?" But she wouldn't look at me, she was looking around me and past me. She was staring at something above my head and then her eyes would dart to the side of my head as if she were looking past me. While doing this she would alternate between whimpering and then wagging her tail like she was seeing something she liked. I kept calling her name but she WOULD NOT look at me. I thought maybe there was a bug or a shadow she was looking at so I moved to a different area of the room .... she followed me every place in the room I went and continued the same behavior. I went and got my roommate and said, "come here and see if the dog is acting weird to you" When he walked in the room she ran up to him wagging her tail and panting, like there wasn't a thing wrong. But as soon as he left the room, she started looking around me again.

My second experience was last night and this scared me more than the first. Rocko came into my room and stopped at the end of my bed and looked at me for a minute, then jumped up on my bed like something was wrong, she had a scared look on her face. I said "No Rocko, down" (She's not allowed up there b/c I just bought an expensive cream colored comforter) so she jumped down quickly onto her bed and was sitting leaned up against the wall. I can't stand telling her no about anything so I got down on her bed and started petting her. She started frantically l*****g my face, then she started leaning away from me as I was petting her, like she was trying to get away. She then bit onto my hand so I thought she wanted to play, we rough house w/ her and she loves it, when she plays she'll barely clamp down on your hand or arm and then let up. Well she was not playing. She was growling and gnarling her teeth at me and was actually biting me, HARD. I still kind of disregarded it and so when we've had enough of playing w/ her we'll go "shhh" and rub her side or belly and she gets the hint that it's time to settle down and she'll stop. Well last night b/c she was biting me so hard I started doing that but she kept gnarling her lip w/ a low growl and would try to get to my hand or arm to bite it. So I sat up on the foot of my bed and she had this look I've never seen before, like I was a threat to her or something. She literally got up growling and jumped at me and bit my arm. I yelled "NO Rocko what is your problem ?!?" She immediately sulked back down in her bed and began cowering like she was scared, but she wasn't cowering from me, she was looking past me again. I called her name over and over and she her eyes never moved, she was looking at something behind me and I could tell by her mannerisms she was scared. By this time I was starting to get freaked out b/c she was doing what she had done the first time. So I scooted further back on my bed and she stayed in hers for a few more minutes and then all of a sudden jumped up, walked to the side of my bed and gave me that "Follow me" look she gives when she either wants to go outside or wants a treat (I've spoiled her to death w/ treats). So I got up and said "what is it rock?" She started to walk and every few steps she would turn and make sure I was still behind her. She walked right past the door, didn't need to go out, right past where I keep her treats, which is VERY strange, and walked into our living room or den area and stopped. She began staring over towards one area of the room, she was sniffing the air and her ears kept perking up. She began circling me, rubbing against my legs so hard she was knocking me backwards. Ok, I was definitely spooked by this time and so I looked at Rocko and said, "C'mon let's go back to the room" and usually she'll follow me, but she didn't this time. I walked until I got out of her sight and stopped, I wanted to see what she was going to do next, so I peeked my head around the corner and she was up on the coach sitting at attention like in a guard dog manner. She was just staring either at me, or in my general direction. I walked on back to the room and tried to shake it off but I can't. I've heard of dogs being able to sense spirits and things we can't. I was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience? Please, somebody, let me know I'm not going crazy!




  1. About 4 days ago my dog buddy started howling. I never heard him do that before? He was looking down the street. I didn't see anything moving. Since then he has been having like whinning fits? He starts whinning, panting, passing back and forth, acting scared, follows me around when he acts this way. Today, Buddy was doing fine I asked him if he wanted to go on a ride. He loves rides so we got into the car and he started acting strange again but this time I was driving and he will look out the front window then the side window like he is tring to see something. So I started to go home and he started to act worse. Once he got home he was fine. I still had to go somewhere and I was at the same spot I had turned around and I heard a someone whisle inside my car. I get home and Buddy was fine. Just about an hour ago he started acting strange again? I live 5 blocks from the graveyard. Is the dead walking around?

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