
Can doing crunches make you lose stomach fat?

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I am under the impression that crunches builds muscle, but does not burn a significant amount of fat. To burn fat, you'd want to do more aerobic activity such as running, and not crunches. Is this correct?




  1. Researchers found that workouts that claim to target belly fat don't help trim that area any fatster that exercise in general. You need to do gentle exercise.  Walk at a slow to moderate pace for 30 minutes, three times a week.  Another thing you can do is get more calcium.  Eating three low-fat yogurts a day will help you melt away stomach fat.

  2. Toning the muscles is a good idea, as then you'll have more muscle under there when you lose the fat and muscle burns more calories than fat. However, you are absolutely right. You have to do aerobic activity to get rid of the fat.  

  3. Crunches do not burn significant fat.  No resistance exercise does.

    They work to build or tone muscle.

    To burn fat you have to do some sort of aerobic activity.  That will strip the fat covering the muscle.

  4. Yes you are correct.

    The crunches will develop and tone the abdominal muscles, but doing cardio is the only way to get rid of the belly fat (as you cannot spot-reduce fat....only after your overall body fat percentage drops will you start losing fat in those stubborn areas).  

  5. Yes if you do them correctly!!


  6. Hammer on the Nail-----you got it

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