
Can domestic rabbits live in the wild where we have 4 seasons?

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We have a black rabbit in our yard and I know they are not native here but for some reason he won't leave my yard. Somebody must have lost it or didn't want it and let it go. My kids have tried numerous times to catch it but have had no luck. Any ideas?




  1. I hope you are not thinking of turning out a pet rabbit.  

    1) Rabbits raised as pets no longer have the fear of dogs, foxes, coyotes, hawks and other predators that keeps wild rabbits safe.

    2) Domestic rabbits can introduce disease and inferior genes to wild rabbit populations.  Hybridization and disease can ruin the wild population.

    3) Domestic rabbits turned out in the wild often starve to death or die of disease.

    DON'T DO IT.  If you can't keep the rabbit, find a home for it or take it to a shelter.  NEVER turn a domestic animal of any kind out into the wild.

  2. No. domestic rabbits have no idea how to survive in the wild like wild rabbits do.  They live at most for 3 days if they are released

  3. domestic rabbits can live outside or in a garage if they have a good house with thick bedding.

  4. Domestic rabits cant live in the wild. They do not have enough instinct like the wild rabbit dose. But you can keep it in the hutch. Just make shure that its not to cold or to hot for the rabbit. You can have the hutch insilate or have a fan.

  5. NO! do not ever let a domestic rabbit "fend for its self" they are domestic animals not wild. If you have one and dont want it try to find it a home do not let it go.

  6. yea they can because there is a sufficient amount of food for them. the winter would be a tough challenge but they could make it through it.

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