
Can donuts eat the paint off of a car?

by Guest66746  |  earlier

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theres this new thing people do in my town called donuting. people get donuts and put them on peoples cars at night. is it possible that this can take the paint off of the car?




  1. No, but Coca Cola and Pepsi can.

  2. how long has it been going on.any one arrested yet. that should stop it.P.S.i know police really like to eat donuts.hmmmm.

  3. They probably won't eat the paint off a car or anything else, but they will leave a disgusting greasy stain.  Who came up with this stupidest ever prank?  Some people just have too much time on their hands.

  4. No.It will just be a sticky mess.

  5. Nope.

  6. Hmm...Ive never heard of donuts. But once when I found out this guy had cheated on me, my guy friends got bologna, and put shaving cream on one side, before putting it face down on the car. Doing this will strip the paint off in perfect circles. And if you REALLY hate somebody, you can get a Jolly Rancher, suck on it for a few seconds to get it good and wet, and then stick it to their windshield. No matter what way the person tries to take it off once it dries, it will crack their windshield.

    Mean right?

    Some people deserve it.

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