
Can drangon loaches and cory cats live in the same tank?

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I have a large tank that i am filling with community fish. I want a couple of dragon loaches, but I want to make sure they will be okay with my cory cats. They are both bottom dwellers, so will they fight for territory?




  1. I would say not, but not for the reason you're worried about.

    Dragon Gobies (aka Violet Gobies) are best kept in a brackish water setup - that is, they like aquarium salt in their water. Corydoras catfish won't stand salt. Gobies can be kept in freshwater setups, as they often are in pet stores, but they may get sick more often, and their lifespans will be shorter.

    If you want both, you can keep two different tanks - Cory cats do well in smaller tanks as long as you keep their water clean; I kept 4 in a 5 gallon tank for about a year as a breeding crowd.

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