
Can drawing on your hand damage your blood stream?

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It's just that I told my little cousin this when she was drawing all over her hand....but I'm not sure it's strictly true.





  1. Only if with mercury and over a cut or mucous membrane

  2. You skin absorbs toxins from everything around you. Drawing on her hand wouldn't kill her, but it is true that some of the ink would get absorbed into the blood stream. Thats why we have a liver though.

  3. No. Otherwise people all over would be dropping down from tattoo ink poisoning!


  4. nope

  5. It depends on what your drawing with!

  6. dont be silly your skin isnt that absorbent! if he cut his hand and poured the ink in, or licked it off his hand then yes, otherwise thats an old wives tale i believed up untill it was proved wrong on QI with stephen fry!

  7. Nope, draw away freely.

  8. no not unless you are tattooing or if you are stabbing yourself with the pencil but she is fine to scribble away until her mom sees it then her hand maybe be a bit red from the scrubbing to get the writing off or red from having it slapped or even her bottom might be a bit sore...

  9. Frighten the life out of her,why don't you.Wee soul will be all worried now!

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