
Can dreams come true?

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Can dreams come true?




  1. some people get dreams about the future, so yes if its that.

    Otherwise, like fairy tales,  "dreams come true, dreams come true" not all dreams can come true because they are just something that vanish.

  2. When my cousin was younger, almost everything she dreamt became reality. It frightened us all. Today, it doesn't happen anymore. I think it was just her adolescence or something must've happened to stop her dreaming.

    Anyways, I do believe dreams can come true. Especially if it's something realistic, say, getting an A on that hard exam you had 2 days ago. Of course, if it's something like winning the lottery, that might be a little harder to accomplish via dream and reality.

  3. only if you make them

  4. I've had experiences where I would dream something and a couple of days later it would actually happen. So why not.

  5. no as you forget your dreams in 15 minutes after you wake up!

    not really!


  6. my dreams almost always come true and i am 13 right now so yea.

  7. Yes they can. Several of mine have come true.

  8. According to an old wise friend, dreams do come true if you dream them in the day, if its in the night, it won't become true.

    P.S.Don't try and sleep in the day to get a dream because maybe you can get a nightmare and it may become true...
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