
Can dreams fortell the future?

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i had a dream last night and it was one that was really clear and i remember every detail about me moving in with this girl into a house and it being great and working out perfect and today i have this girl ask me to be her room mate and move in... like wtf it cant just be a coincidence or can it?




  1. It can. Those are like deja vus or something.

    I had something like that happen to me where in real life my almost 1 year bf and I broke up.

    Had a dream that he msged me on our monthsary and greeted me.

    In real life the day of our monthsary, he msgs me and tells me he loves me and we're back together again.

  2. Dreams can well be the world where Future, Past and Present meet up.

    i have dreams where I have predicted the future and it came true. The dreams are extended senses so you have a 6th sense like most people you need to be able to believe. There are more than one world, and each one leads to a surprise

  3. yes they can... my mum once had a dream about a poisonous snake trying to bite her and about a week later a snake exactly like the one she described in her dream almost attacked my dad... he was able to corner it and then our neighbours helped to take it to the mini zoo nearby... go figure...

  4. Um... In my personal thinking , I think dreams can fortell the future. I had a dream myself about a big large Great Blue Heron flying exactly above the tallest part of my house and then the next morning when I go to school I turn around and there is that bird flying over the tallset part of my house. It was really creepy. I had a few more dreams but none were as clear and detailed as that one. ( even though I didn't give much detials.)

  5. to know this better just watch out if everything goes as well as u saw in your dream

    well i feel it can be true that dreams for tell bcoz i have myself experienced it but difference is that i remember my dream after the thing has happened but if its vice - versa then i wud say its good as you can alter any mistakes

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