
Can dreams predict the future ?

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I am very curious to know if some dreams have relevance to events that may happen in the future




  1. Hi Norelle! I have been watching this question on this site every since I joined Yahoo Dreams. The responses to the question if dream foresee the future are getting more and more numerous and more and more in favour or our dreams coming true. But as your respondents show, not all dreams seem to come true. What they really should say is that not all dreams come true as we see them. When they manifest in waking they differ in many respects from what we saw in the night. This is because dreams are like a zip program for the computer. Everything is compressed, space and time are condensed and so they often look bizarre. This is necessary for the dream since we don’t dream all night, but in spasms. Every 90 minutes we dream. As the night goes on the dreams are getting longer.

    The dream needs to compress its information because it has to cover all of our everyday life. In short our dreams are the blueprints of our waking life. To reaslis this takes long and hard research. I have done that over 40 years and have learnt a lot about our dreams and their language. Without understanding the language of the dream we are not qualified to make a judgment whether all dreams come true or only some of them. As I see it all of them come true. I append here an extract of my standard answer to dreamers like you:  

    Those who say dreams do not come true have not studied them. They speak off the cuff. If anyone says to you: “Dreams are not of the future, ask them this question: “How many dreams have you recorded and followed up?” And by following up I mean looking at what happens every day and beyond that might correspond with your dreams recorded.

    Most people are aware of déjà vus. The sceptics will say that déjà vu is coincidence or a trick of the brain. Apart from one exception where there is a faulty neurological function, the déjà vu stems from a dream.

    Those who have actually seen clearly that the déjà vu is based on a dream are very fortunate, for they can understand from EXPERIENCE that dreams do indeed come true and that those who speculate otherwise are speaking in ignorance.

    When you have had this déjà vu experience and realised that it stemmed from a dream it is a sign of spiritual awakening. In time you will discover that dreams are the blue print for your life and that everything is planned for you and that there is really nothing else to be done but to enjoy the 'ride'. What I am about to reveal now is the most open secret of life which many fail to discover because they are engrained in the brain wash of western scientific prejudice.

    At the beginning of our AWAKENING to the fact that dreams come true, we can only see those dreams come true that manifest literally, those which are coming true as you have dreamt them, in short, those that manifest as DÉJÀ VUS.

    As you focus more on this phenomenon, you will see that dreams are the basis of all PSYCHIC PERCEPTION. They are the cause not only of DÉJÀ VU, but also of PREMONITIONS, of INTUITION, INSTINCT and ALL PSYCHIC PHENOMENA as well. The difference between these and the DÉJÀ VU is that you have no recollection of the dream that told you what would happen or where an IDEA or INSPIRATION or PREMONITION etc. came from.

    I said ALL dreams come true, but only few in the way we see it happen in the dream. Those we miss coming true have come true in a figurative or METAPHORICAL manner.

    Example: you may dream that you are sailing on a cloud through the skies. When you wake up you won't of course fly up there, but instead you will FEEL AS IF you were up there sailing through the clouds. And if you were asked how you felt on the day of this dream, you would most likely say: "I AM ON CLOUD NINE!"

    We are so used to metaphors in our daily speech that we don't even realise that we use them constantly. We take them for granted but when the dream uses them we find it 'weird'. Just look at some oft the daily metaphors we use in waking life such as: He stabbed me in the back, he is a pain in the neck, she is caught in a vice, he is weak kneed, he shot himself in the foot, you haven't got a leg to stand on, he has fallen in love... FALLEN?? Why do we say FALLEN? Do we mean this literally or metaphorically? The latter of course and so does the dream with all of its metaphors.

    Once you learn the language of the dream you will realise that we are in the hands of a power that is much grater than our little selves. Once you have realised deeply that dreams are your PROMPTERS at the footlights of the THEATRE OF LIFE, you will learn to resign to that Power that knows all and IS all.

  2. i believe they can aspecially when you dream about numbers and they appera in the lottery!!

  3. yes, but not right away sometime it's a couple days, month, or even years later. I love dream :) that's where I can be happy :)

  4. definately. but you wont know it does until it happens so dont try work out if it is a predictable dream

  5. that happens to me.  I hate havin de ja vu sometimes.

  6. yes why not. it's a common thing to dream about something and  to realize that the same things of the dream happend also in the reality

  7. yes


  8. Dreams certainly have relevance to events that may happen in the future simply because of human intuition, sub-concious thoughts and the fact that we are animals of routine/tradition whether we know it or not. BUT they cannot PREDICT future events. they may influence you subconciously so it may seem like they predicted certain things, but in reality it's all in your head! hehe

  9. dreams are usually your memorys.

    when you sleep you remember things =/

    so i think its more whats happend not whats going to happen

  10. sometimes cause i watched this show about dreams that this guy had a dream that when his mom and sister were walking with him a car was about to hit them and he woke up then later in the afternoon it happend but he saved them... which is freaky!

  11. Absolutely. It's called Premonition. I've had this experience once, when I was young. I dreamt I was in school, coloring with a classmate, and talking about something. The next day, it happened, word for word, action for action, so it IS possible, though very rare for most people. It doesn't mean it will be soon though, you could have a dream and then have it happen several years later =)

  12. I believe they can in a subtle way...

  13. sometimes it's true..sometimes it's wrong. When you are under high pressure of work, In your dream, you can have nightmares, Don't worry!! it's just a dream

  14. No I think when you dream it can subtly influence your decisions and if you act on those decisions then it seems like you predicted the future.

  15. Dreams are one of the many ways your subconscious mind communicates with you, and since it knows the future, then it can sometimes try to tell you via dreams.

    Be careful, though. Sometimes it's trying to tell you what might happen as a result of certain things, sometimes it tries to prepare you for the future, sometimes it doesn't focus on the future at all. Try to learn the language of your dreams by focusing on what you think they're trying to tell you.

  16. I find dreams to be valuable hints about how to improve our lives and perhaps even keep us from foolish actions.

  17. Sometimes they do.  Funny thing, though, they are often symbolic, so not totally easy to recognize every time!

  18. yes they can in a way. they can symbolize something that will happen in the future or influence you to do something; which is often the case.

    And sometimes they are just memories and/or fantasies. One time i was making out with Jesse McCartney in the middle of nowhere. i dont even like him.

    answer mine!;...

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