
Can drinking a smoothie be replaced as a meal.?

by Guest61488  |  earlier

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I was thinking of replacing a meal with a smoothie sometimes. Made with non-fat yogurt of course and fruit. Does that sound like a good idea? Also, I've noticed some fast food places sell them. I guess what I'm really asking is if they are really good for you. I was thinking of buying a blender but if I can pick one up at Sonic or so Why not? Does Starbucks sell them? Thanks Ya ll!




  1. yes i somtimes have a friut smothie for a quick breaskfast of maybe lunch a blender is a very good purchase

    good luck blending

  2. yah they are right . only put  what you are lacking  in it can be a very good idea. or try difrent things after a while or every other day. got two misspellings already .well we have to pay attention at too many things. got much more too think about too. but thank god we lucky enough to understand even the wrong written stuff. could be other good things we do may be able to guide us to the pattren. yes will like to correct them if we have time just for one thing only.

  3. The smoothies they sell at Sonic are no better than milk shakes.  Same with the type of drinks they sell at Starbucks. (Milk shakes have protein and carbohydates but no very little fiber.  They are loaded with sugar and fat.

    To make a healthy smoothie you need to use yougurt fruit and lowfat milk or soy milk with a little sweetening from sugar or honey.  Such a smoothie will give you low fat protein from the yogurt, vitamens and fiber from the fruit and carbohydrates from the honey and also the fruit.  That is a meal.  

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