
Can drinking water make u produce more blood??

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Can drinking water make u produce more blood??




  1. Of course -- in the way that one MUST drink water to produce more blood. If you lose blood, then your body will need more water to quickly replace the blood cells lost.

    However, drinking tons of water more than you feel you actually need, will not make your blood cells reproduce any faster, if that's what you meant. There is a maximum speed your body can reproduce blood, and once you have more water than you need, it's not going to speed things up to reflect that.

    Think about it like Command & Conquer. To use all your buildings you must construct enough power plants, but if you keep on constructing more power plants once everything's already powered, it's not going to make your buildings run better. :)

  2. First of all you need to understand there are two portions in your blood: the blood cells and the plasma.

    The plasma is made up of mostly water. Drinking water will build up your plasma if you were recently dehydrated or have lost some blood. Plasma is important because it builds up your blood pressure. If you don't drink water, your blood pressure will eventually drop dangerously low until you die.

    The red blood cells are made in your bone marrows, and are responsible for the primary function of your blood: transporting oxygen to your body. Drinking water has no effect on the amount of red blood cells you have. Even if you establish normal blood pressure by drinking a lot of water, you could still die from lack of oxygen if there are no blood cells in your blood!

    That's why people who have lost a lot of blood need blood transfusions (which contains blood cells), instead of just saline IVs.

  3. It will help flush your kidneys and keep you healthier as long as you don't overdo it. The amount of blood a person has depends on the size of the person generally, 7-10 pints.

  4. yes blood is like 70% water so the more u drink the mor blood u have-i guess...i think u always have the same abount unless u dont have it if u lost blood from an accident then u could get more by drinking water

  5. no. Blood is kinda watery but it is not really water. It is produced in your bonemarrow. Just by drinking lots of water will not make your body produce more blood.

    Drinking too much water will kill you.

    P/s: lol the below poster is hilarious.

  6. Not in and of itself.  If you are low in blood (accident or intentional loss) water is used to help rebuild the blood supply.  In normal people having 'normal' small accidents extra water should not be necessary, your body stores plenty of it for cases just like this.

    Even when you donate a pint of whole blood you do  not really need the glass of juice or water they insist you drink before leaving.

    I used to find replacing that pint of whole blood with 3 or 4 pints of beer a lot more satisfying.

  7. It depends. First of all, your body contains a constant amount of blood. This blood is being filtered and kept up constantly. Second of all, water is essential to your body. If you stop drinking water, you die (obviously).

    If you have just donated blood, your body needs water, as well as a lot of other stuff to create more blood. If you don't drink water, your body can't make blood. In this situation, drinking more water will make you produce more blood.

    Normally though, as long as you drink enough water, the amount of blood production is independent. If you drink more water than you need, you urinate it out.

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