I tried to start my car this morning, and it didn't sound the same as usual. After a few seconds, I smelled something incredibly odorless and my engine stalled. I quickly got out of the car and opened the hood, and I saw that my car was out of coolant. I had just recently added some, which made me suspicious.
I inspected the bottom of my car and noticed something jammed into the underside of my coolant tank. I pulled it out, and it appeared to be the remains of my son's missing pogo stick. The hole wasn't so big, so I decided to simply shove the pogo stick back inside and firmly duct tape it in place so no more coolant would leak out.
After adding some more coolant, I drove to work and everything was fine until I decided to go get some quality lunch at my favorite strip club. When I tried to go back to work after eating out, I found the pogo stick lying in a puddle of coolant beneath my car. Despite this dilemma, I drove back to work successfully. Did I do any permanent damage?