
Can drunk people spell correctly?

by Guest10970  |  earlier

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Because every time my friends on myspace leave a status message saying they are "F*cking Drunk" They type everything with no misspells. Even when they are messaging me.




  1. If you can spell being drunk doesn't change that being drunk would effect your typing. They are probably just more careful as they type.

  2. i wouldn't know but i would think they misspell everything

  3. drunk people's reasoning abilities are flooding with

    booze, what do you think?

  4. we cn spel fiyne

  5. yeah you can kinda spell...

    like if was handwriting something, no preblem. my writing would be sloppy, but i could spell everything fine.

    but if i was to type or text...haha i just end up mashing the keyboard....its not cause i dont know the spellings.....its just cause my fingers wont do what there told and i get sloppy.

    but if your good at typing you would probably be ok

  6. It comes down to the individual person and how much effort they put into typing when drunk. I know that by nature my typing is useless, but if I concentrate I can type quite well.

  7. Well I think it comes down to the person. Because you can't say they can all spell and you can't say they can't. It also depends how drunk they are; someone less drunk would have a better chance of spelling things right.

    I saw on COPS how they have tests to see if you are drunk while driving (in america, in australia you just get a breath test) Part of the test is to say your abc's and they have so much difficulty. I suppose since it is a TV show they would edit it so only the bad people are on there though.

    I think there is a certain line of drunk where you wouldn't be able to type, (you wouldn't be able to stand) but before that it is plausible that your spelling accuracy remains the same.

  8. I once took a final exam in English when I was pretty drunk but still pass..  So the answer to your question it depends on the drunk person..

    However, I took another exam on the same day and failed miserably. It was an engineering class. So I think being drunk just affects your ability to analyse and think straight not your spelling skills..

  9. I can always spell correctly even if I am drunk. I might not be able to walk straight or drive but I can always type or text

  10. Who cares, a boozer is a loser.

  11. I think people who misspell when they are drunk are faking it.

    "idm soo drnnk"

    Unless it's small typos or the words that auto-text fills in.

    When I'm drunk I normally try to go through and make sure I spelt everything right. I guess it's habit or me trying to not look stupid drunk.

    But EVERY word??? Faking it.

  12. no  

  13. why don't you just try it yourself

  14. that hard to believe, because Drunk people are not able to recall their ABCs which I see a lot on cop shows

  15. Yeah,drunk people still know how to spell,plus theres always spell check.I can't type when I am drunk,but I will usually fix my mistakes.

  16. well im pretty sure that they are laying then.

    or they are just a little buzzed. because when im drunk, i cant spell, let alone even USE myspace.

  17. your friends are saying they're drunk to look cool or they aren't f*kcin drunk they're just a little drunk or they're just amazing.  when im drunk i can't spell worth s**t but that's cuz i usually drink till i puke. it makes me skinnier =)

  18. yes they can they can spell fine but they cant talk right all the time  

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