
Can eating crisp cause a mouth ulcer?

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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I get a mouth ulcer each time I eat crisp I'm wondering can eating crisp cause a mouth ulcer or not? Please answer

 Tags: cause, crisp, eating, mouth, ulcer



  1.  Yes, I used to get them from eating walkers crisps and other brands here in the UK.

    Some people have sensitive skin within the mouth that is why the sharp crisp cause a cut and BAM before you know it... you have a mouth ulcer.

    Trial and error is best though, risk it. Eat crisp and if you get an ulcer shortly after you know exactly the reason. Toothpaste is another factor that causes mouth ulcer if you look at the ingredients you are using make sure it does not have "Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)" this usually causes a mouth ulcer according to NHS.



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