
Can egg bought from market hatch if incubated?

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Can egg bought from market hatch if incubated?




  1. no once its been frozen for so long it can't support itself and so it dies. trust me, i have been trying to find out if there is anyway to bring a baby chicken back to life. its like trying to bring your deceased relatives back to life.

  2. the egg we usually eat, is what it actually is, the female chicken's egg. only an egg fertilized with sperm from the male has the ability to hatch.

  3. good question ....i had seen an episode on nat geo which dealt with this subject....normally eggs from professional markets dont hatch ....but eggs bought from some local farms may hatch due to some stray sperm....infact they had shown how one in the eighteen eggs that were incubated   had hatched....

  4. No they are unfertilized.  This means the chicken didn't get laid. It takes two to tango.  

  5. No.  In order to remain alive, eggs have to be kept warm continually or they die, if they were viable in the first place.  That's why birds sit on them.  Market eggs are all kept fatally cold.

  6. they wont hatch.they are unfertilized eggs ie the eggs formed with out the help of a rooster .They are produced commercially.

  7. No, it can't hatch.

    There are two kinds of eggs: First one is by the relation of a rooster and a chicken, these eggs can hatch in 21 days but are ussually not for sale in the market, cause they are too hard to produce.

    The second kind of eggs are commercial ones, they are produced only by the chicken (without s***n of a rooster), there are a special kind of chickens that produce more eggs these way. These are the eggs you can find in the market.

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