
Can eggs buy from the store hatch if you sit on them and keep them warm?

by  |  earlier

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i think it will work i have an egg and im sitting on it




  1. No they cant hatch because they have already been cold. although you can sit on it all you want to LOL! @_@

    Seiuosly though I do not know where all these little kids here think that eggs bought from the store are not fertile. Those hens do not lay eggs unless they are running with a rooster being bred. In chicken egg factories they run with roosters all the time to make then lay eggs. These people need to be educated in how chickens work before saying they are not fertile from the store because they are but sinse they are taken and not sat on by the mother the egg dies when it get below normal tempeture of the chicken's body heat. They either get eaten by us people or go rotten once they come home to your fridge.

  2. LOL.  Good luck you will need it!

  3. go kill yourself...eggs are put through this machine that kill the little birdie that u think is gonna hatch any second now!!! im sorry life sucks! deal with it..go do something productive with your life.

  4. No. The hens who lay the eggs are kept in cages not near any males.

    They need to be fertilized by the male in order for the egg to start devoloping.

    sorry :(  but its ok, I planted a skittle once thinking a rainbow would grow

    (I was five)

  5. no???

  6. No it wont work. I tryed it when i was stupid and little. It was already cold for days and whatever was gunna grow inside is dead now .. well technically is wasnt alive to begin with.

  7. No. Eggs must be fertilized by a rooster to produce a chick. All eggs from the store haven't been fertilized. Its impossible for it to hatch!

  8. there is no way, because they are not eggs from Ruster, they are from the food that they eat.

    meaning that those chickens never have s*x.

  9. uhmm no because they weren't fertilized. the farmers get eggs for eating in coops that don't have male chickens. you are wasting your time, lol.

  10. no, its not fertilized so it will not hatch. eggs are fertilized after they are layed.

  11. well the eggs are to cold then no but it might be hard to hatch it in 21 days

  12. that is a crazy question sit on it and see if it works. But honestly I dont think so.

  13. No.

    The eggs have not been "fertilized yet"

    ANd they have preserving chemicals and other stuff to keep fresh. So its impossible.


  14. No-- the eggs that you get from the store are not fertilized. An egg must become fertilized to hatch.

  15. Nope, those things are sterile and cannot in any way hatch.

  16. No it wont hatch because its not fertilized or something. You wouldnt want the eggs you eat to be able to hatch because then when you eat an egg you would be eating a chick and thats not very good. So you can probably stop sitting on that egg lol.

  17. Nooooo.

  18. I don't know.  If you have one, sit on it and let me know what happens.  I am very interested.

  19. lol, good luck! i did that when i was 5 (but i tried to keep it warm w/ a sweater, not by sitting on it, lol)

    needless to say, it was a very messy end and i got in big trouble

  20. No. The egg has to be "fertilized" first.

    Your egg will hatch, long before that one will. <}:-})


  22. NO YOU CAUSE THEY ARE ALREADY DEAD, think about their journey to the market!!!! they are in the FRIDGE for Gods SAke.

    GET A CHICKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. first of all what "Lady Cck" a bit above said is completely ob-surd and FALSE

    all eggs sold in the shops are ALWAYS INFERTILE. . .

    what Lady cok said is honestly RIDICULOUS

    They are not run with cockerels . . .EVER

    the reason it will not hatch is because the hen that lay ed that egg was most likely a battery hen (poor things)and those hens are shoved in tiny cages. .  so they never mated with a rooster hence

    ALL eggs bought in a shop are ALWAYS INFERTILE

    it has nothing to do with it being cold. .

    if it was fertile and cold it could still be incubated.

    and FYI the male chicks are ALL culled at birth =(

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