
Can electric cars have air conditioning, stereo, ect, and still attain good range?

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Can electric cars have air conditioning, stereo, ect, and still attain good range?




  1. NO !! I saw the other day ,they were compering a 35 hp. gasoline motor to two 1 hp motors. In your gasoline car the air conditioner will  pulls 5 hp.

  2. It all depends on the capacity of the batteries and any alternative sources of energy (gas powered generator or solar cells).  The Aptera is a plug in hybrid which uses solar cells to supplement the AC system.

  3. put it this way.  when your accelerating normally you will use about 50 kw.  fast acceleration can use 100 kw.

    cruising at 60 mph, about 12 kw.  

    a standard car stereo .045 kw. one with a "booming system," 0.5 kw. ac can use 1.5 kw.  so using all your electronic accessories will decrease your range by about 5%

  4. Air conditioning may not hurt range any nore than driving with the windows open if the speed is over about 60 km/h.

    Around town one would get better range by leaving the windows open.

    You can have a low power stereo... maybe with an ear bud.

  5. the more electrical load you put on the batteries, the less range you will get.

  6. Sure, the Tesla Roadster has all the usual amenities and over 200 mile per charge range.  See the link below for further details.

  7. I once saw a woman on a car show on TV talking about an electric car she had recently bought. She said on rainy nights she had to choose between windscreen wipers and headlights. haha I found that funny..

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