
Can electric magnets be rigged with an alternator to be repelled in a circular motion to produce mechanical?

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can electric magnets be rigged with an alternator to be repelled in a circular motion to produce mechanical energy and convert it to electricity to power a veichle. if possible wouldn't they be able to do reverese osmosis with that energy?




  1. that would be perpetual motion and no one has figured out how to do this.electric motors are used to produce power and on deceleration,are able to put back a small bit of power back into the battery at this point

  2. Yes.  Devices of this sort have been in use for quite some time; they are called "motors."

  3. Guys like you are talking AND doing things like this and more.

  4. that is what we call regenerative braking.  You are on the right track, just do a little more studying.  Popular mechanics and Popular science have many good articles on the subject.

  5. Reverse osmosis?????? What's that?

    Your idea is not original. It has been proposed many times by people with no knowledge of physics. To get x amount of energy from a system you have to put at least x amount of energy in that system.

    You can do what you've describe but it would mean to apply mechanical energy to the system to generate electrical energy to power an engine and get mechanical energy. With a considerable loss in the process (friction, heat, etc)

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