
Can elliptical trainers improve walking?

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My brother plans on starting an exercise routine with a magnetic elliptical trainer. Will that strengthen his legs, or make it so that he'll be better able to walk for long periods of time?

His legs tend to get tired after walking around for long periods of time. He doesn't go out all the time, he usually stays indoors, and whenever he goes out, he gets a ride. He's in his 20s, and is generally healthy. He thinks that an elliptical trainer will improve his walking and balance. Is that true?




  1. It will strengthen many muscles in his legs.  I notice it mostly in the back of my thighs and back inner thighs and a bit on my calves.

    I believe walking uses different muscles than the elliptical because when I walk the fronts of my legs hurt, like the large outter thigh muscle and inner front thigh muscle near my knees along w/ my calves.

    It will help his overall fitness which will improve his walking.

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