
Can elves in Harry Potter side-apparate?

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I mean, when someone holds you by your hand and you apparate and take them together? Can elves do that? If they can, wouldn't it break the laws of apparition in Horwarts if they do it there?




  1. House Elves can do side long aparation and are so powerful the spells at Hogwarts can't stop them.  If they have a person with them they could take them too because they're the one penetrating the barrier.

  2. As far as I know they can side apparte.  As for your other question, the magic that elves have is different from that of a wizard.  I can't remember if it's explained in of the books or if J.K. Rowling said it in an interview, but that's why Dobby and Kreature where able to apparte to Harry when he's in the hospital wing in the 6th book and Harry summons Kreature to tail Malfoy.

  3. Elves definitely can do it. That's how Dobby rescued all of the hostages from Malfoy Manor. But I'm not sure if it would work in Hogwarts. They can apparate in Hogwarts, but I'm not sure if they could bring a human with them.  

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