
Can employers create different schedules for employes based on business needs?

by  |  earlier

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For this specific example:

Employees working w/ said company currently work Monday - Friday 9-5.

Based on needs of the business, A schedule of Monday-Thursday, Saturday 9-5 needs to be created. 8 slots need to be filled. The employer offers this schedule to the current staff, only 4 accept this new schedule.

Is the employer entitled (without being considered discriminatory) to interview/hire new employees on the premise of working this new schedule which is different than the rest of the staff?

Anyone familiar w/ specifics of business law or the EEOC who can provide reference would be helpful.




  1. no, the boss can MAKE someone do it i think...  

  2. Of course they can.  There is nothing discriminatory nor unlawful about hiring for a specific shift.  In fact, technically, the employer could have required certain employees to change their schedule to fill the new slots and not asked for volunteers.  

    I am really not sure what the complaint is here, it seems that the employer has done all the right things by providing a voluntary opportunity for current employees to switch to the new schedule and then filling out the schedule with new hires since the new folks were needed.

  3. This is not an EEOC violation.  THe company could move you from front office to back office or from  M-F to W-Sunday.   You have the right to quit if you don't like it.  Someday you will own a business and see this from a different view. /

  4. yes he can hire them for a different schedule. there's no law that says he can't force everyone to do it anyway.

  5. There is nothing wrong with different schedules for different needs. The employer is entitled to work a new employee any schedule he wants to.  

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