
Can energy drinks hurt a 16 year old if he is on the med. concerta for a.d.d.?

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My son is 16 years old and takes the medicine concerta for a.d.d. does anyone know if this will hurt him?




  1. Yes. Even if he weren't on the medication, these drinks harm teens. Have him stay away from aspartame as well.

  2. yes! please don't give these to him

  3. A 16 year old should not be drinking those drinks. There was a thing on the news about those drinks causing heart problems and sound like he doesnt need any more problems

  4. Yes, very much so. Most pills contain stimulants to help activate brain cells. Plus there's a tremendous amount of caffeine in enregey drinks. They could cause the BP to rise dramatically and a heart attack or stroke could occur.

  5. Ya think?

  6. I used to be addictive to  energy drinks esp. Redbull, and then everyone i met did tell me to stop taking them ,bcos you loss the energy you've gained from the energy drink, and then it later makes you  more tired than you were before you took the drinks, and  they also cause heart problems.

  7. I would check with a doctor before letting him have stuff like this.  Some of the energy drinks contain who knows what in them.  Some are so loaded up with caffeine and can cause health troubles without mixing with medications.  And some of the other ingredients might not be good with the meds either.

  8. No but they reverse the effects due to stimulant v stimulant.

    I'm of 27mg of concerta

  9. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   I take adderal fror ADHD and for asperger's syndrome and my doctor said to stay away from energy drinks.

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