
Can entergy turn you off if late paying bill and its 100 degrees?

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Can entergy turn you off if late paying bill and its 100 degrees?




  1. I think they could, but usually they will work with you if you call and talk with them. Often, they will accept a smaller payment (whatever you can afford at the time) so you can keep the electric running. Don't be afraid to call. You will not be speaking with the president of the company, just somt person like you who answers phones and deals with this kind of thing.

  2. Yes.. If you are elderly or disabled or have a medical condition or are low income, you can qualify for a program thru them which can delay your cutoff with proper documentation.. I have found entergy to not be real helpful for me.. I have sent in documentation multiple times for the program to not have to pay taxes (if you make under $12000 a year) and it keeps mysteriously disappearing.. and customer service knows nothing of it.. so GL with getting any help.

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