
Can ethanol fuel be made from any plant material or just corn?

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Just kind of wondering....




  1. "any".  Enzymes break cellulose down into sugars, which can be fermented into something that can be distilled into ethanol.  "SwitchGrass" is a favorite now.

  2. Any matter really.Wal Mart use to sell old fruit and vegetables.Now they throw it away.if all landfills had a way to sort veggie materials out.Then have a silo to still the juices,vola.There would be million and millions of gallons of fuel that could be cut with gasoline.Meat products too squeezed for the oils,biodiesel. it all boils down to better managment of landfills, and recycling materials.

  3. It can be made from any crop that is high in either starch or sugar. Cellulosic ethanol is still a dream as there is yet no effective way to convert the cellulose into sugars that can be fermented.

  4. I use apple waste from a local cider plant.

  5. It can also be made from wheat, and other fibrous plants.

  6. only plants that have certian esential oils

    like sugarcane

  7. Anything that Yeast will eat or anything that can be converted into something that yeast will eat and you go alcohol.

  8. Corn is the worst POSSIBLE method of making ethanol.  Trust government to back the worst possible option. Any plant that produces sugar can do it, but the best way will be from cellulose. That one still needs some bugs worked out.

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