
Can everybody AFFORD to save the earth from global warming?

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can the needed amount of people really afford hybrids and solar panels put in their house? if i could afford it i would do it. what is your opinion?




  1. Everyone can do things to help the environment. even if they can't afford hybrid cars or stuff like that they can recycle, car pool, use public transportation, walk to work, shut of lights and water when not in use and other small things. Of course not everyone will be able to help out in the same way for example like you said cost may be an issue or if you live in the country you may not be able to walk to work but everyone can help in some small way or another.

    (i don't entirely beleive in the whole global warming thing but i think we need to stop pollution)

  2. yes,  but not necessarily with your car.  maybe stop using it when you dont have to.  go vegetartian--animal product production causes more CO2 than your car.  hybrid car = 1ton reduction per year, veg= 1.5 tons.  and then buy local and use cloth grocery bags instead of paper or plastic.  less garbage, less waste.   everyone can do SOMETHING

  3. they think if they raise the price of gas, people will buy hybrids and drive less, but there just putting poor people (or some that have a car, but are not in the middle class) on the streets

  4. the way gas is going up,, Hybirds won`t do much good anyway

  5. Hybrids suck, I get much better mileage on my bike.   Get rid of your TV and save more energy than a large solar panel would be able to produce.   People who believe they can't afford to do anything have been suckered into the idea it costs lots of money when in fact it should save them money.

  6. doing it will save you money

  7. I will stick with my Jeep, global warming is fake! The only thing i do to "save the environment" it drive less so i can afford to buy gas!

    Jeeps are fun!


  8. Given that there's no need to "save" the earth from a natural cycle that's been going on for millions of years, the answer is no.  Most people in the world can barely afford food, clothing and shelter so it's hardly reasonable to expect them to spend money on useless technology.

  9. I would also , not because of global warming I am not convinced the affects or the science is sound.  I am convinced that we need to progress as a nation especially in this technology.

  10. Anything that has a positive effect on the environment, a real positive effect, will also by nature save money. This is because anything that is actually beneficial for the environment requires the use of less resources. Therefore, less resources used, less money spent.

    If something is costing you more, than you need to either look for the loophole or look for the hidden costs of not doing the more environmentally friendly option.

    Example. "Green Cleaning Products" are more expensive at point of purchase. So find the loophole, make your own cleaning products that are cheaper and safer. Or consider the additional costs in water treatment if you are dumping harmful chemicals into the water supply, costs that come from you as a taxpayer. Or consider the costs in increased health-care from the poisons that we are exposed to.

    When you take into account the FULL cost of all of the harmful things we do and produce, we can't afford NOT to do things that are healthy for the environment.

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