
Can everyone agree that John McCain has scared the .... out of the libs with his VP choice?

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And can anyone explain why Obama chose Biden when he is only one package of depends away from crapping his panties.




  1. Yes, yes he has. Palin is more of an American than Biden or Obama ever could hope tobe.

  2. Yes, Obama is probably huddled in a corner, hugging a stuffed unicorn, crying his eyes out right about now.

  3. Dude, because liberals don't like rational thinking

  4. It's funny to read all these libs now. It's like they don't even want to get to know her. They just want to get the focus back on Obama when nobody is talking about him right now.

  5. LOL! The bounce is a thud!

  6. Yeah, scared us out of thinking that he has any sense of decency or intelligence in that rotted away 70-something year old brain of his.

  7. He choose Biden to reinforce his experience tag, but why McCain choose Salin, to snag Hillary supporters?

    What a McCain, you gotta love this man!

  8. All I have heard from liberals today is how Sarah Palin is not experienced enough to be a heart beat away from the presidency. She has THE SAME amount of experience as Barack Obama. Obama would not be heart beat away, he WOULD BE the president, with the same lack of experience as Palin. Why do liberals not get this fact??

  9. its a flawless choice.

    McCain can gain the Hillary supporters while using the "inexperienced" title to attack Obama's campaign if his choice is questioned. She also appeals to the youth of America...

  10. I know a McCain supporter is not making jokes about depends?  And scared?  I think this is the best thing to ever happen for Obama...they won the election for him today, mark my words.  It will not be close.

  11. Some dems are for McCain he has alot of Hillary supports for him before he picked her he should he was for change Palin is the first women vp for the reps  

  12. No I don't agree.  Palin doesn't really seem like a boost to his campaign.  And McCain looks a lot older than Biden.

  13. I don't agree. I think time will tell if she is a good choice, but the liberals all think he made a mistake. I think they are underestimating her, but they are happy right now.

  14. Why else would the entire media switch from a historic event last night to a story like this so quickly. They are doing damage control.

  15. Scared the libs with ihs VP choice.

    Or maybe make them laugh out loud because McCain is such a nutcase?

    Difficult to say. I say we do a poll. Who is

    1) Scared

    2) Amused

    3) Laugh out loud funny.

  16. haha,you have no idea how happy i am that he picked this 15 year old brother history teacher has more foreign policy experience then that women.

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