
Can everyone see little floating dots after you look away from a bright light?

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Look into a bright light for a few seconds. Then turn away and keep your eyes open. Can you see little floating orbs of colored light? Usually if I do this, I can see little green dots with a pink outline just floating in fron of my face for a few seconds. Is that normal or is something wrong with my eyes? Does anyone know why this occurrs? It's pretty cool.




  1. yes I hate that

  2. Yes, I see lights.

    Because our eyes need a little bit of time to accommodate to the new shade/color.

  3. hahahahahah yeah all the time i thought it was just me proved me wrong :)

  4. no this happens to everyone!

    it's where your eyes protect themselves so its like trippy sunglasses!!  haha

    don't worry about it!!

  5. Hello

    They are called 'floaters', silly name, but will cause you no harm medically. Quiet common.


  6. everybody does, its called after images, it is an effect on the optic nerve that has the "memory" of the last images we see with the peculiarity that it inverts the colors we just saw

    check this out:


  8. yeah all the time. i thought like i was the only one who did that! haha :)

  9. normal - happens to me

    read this it explains it

  10. i can see sparks of light all the time even when i talk to people THANX so much Deenie i thought it was cause i don't eat properly but i sure appreciate your concern god bless you

  11. I think people do because thats what happens to me exepet for blind people

  12. Every time you see those little white specs after looking into a light it is permanent damage to the eye. Don't fret over it though. It's incredibly minor. Just have fun looking at all the beautiful colors!

  13. Yeah, but I see purples and blues.

  14. It happens to me too...or if you hold your fingers on your eyelids a long time.

    This link is for dzevad...I'm worried about her seeing these sparks all the time..It could be an eye problem for her. Here's a similar question with a drs. answer.

  15. They are called"floaters"-perfectly normal,and completely harmless

  16. i can! i didnt know other people did i know im not a weirdo.

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