
Can everyone vote in china?

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  1. It is popularly believed that there is no voting in China. Actually there is lots of voting. Or, at least, lots of opportunity to vote. Anyone over the age of 18 (and not living in an autonomous region) can vote, and anyone who chooses to join the Communist Party can vote even more. Most ordinary people can vote only for regional officials. Those officials, in turn vote, for higher officials who, in turn, vote for the leadership. This actually has distinct similarities to the political systems of some major western countries. For example in the UK, voters choose only their local representative, while the Party chooses its leader (and therefore the premier of the entire country) by internal vote. In the US, voters cast their votes not for the president, directly, but for members of an electoral college, who in turn vote for the president (normally from a choice of just two (realistic) candidates). Since both the UK and US are commonly held to be 'democratic', China sometimes responds to foreign critics of its political system by pointing out that by accepted western standards China actually has a lot of democracy.

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