
Can everything in existence be explained using mathematical formulas?

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Can everything in existence be explained using mathematical formulas?




  1. N O!!!

  2. Explained?  No.

    Expressed?  Sure.

  3. Absopositively. Just as the alphabet can explain everything. It takes the right person to put them in the correct order.

    Math is the ultimate religion. It combines the genius of man with the order of the creator.

  4. Math can not explain anything, It shows only relations between different things.

    The Heissenberg uncertainity principle puts a physical limit at the computability of various things. Furthermore Gödel's incompleteness theorems show that our complex math has it's own inherent limits.

  5. Yes, with the exception of God, who also created mathematical formulas.

  6. As much as everthing in existance has a color.

  7. No.  An example would be my dog.

    If we were to follow the math, we'd come across all kinds of crazy things that don't exist in the real world.

    The math might encourage us to look for something (e.g. equations suggest there should be a sub-atomic particle), but it doesn't necessarily mean it exists.

    The equations could be in error, or just incomplete.

    You might be thinking of the "Grand Unified Theory" or "Theory of everything" everyone talks about, but still hasn't been found.  Even if it was, it would only explain how certain forces are related, and not why my stupid dog eats what he does.

  8. Pretty much. But we'd have to find out what it was, first. Using mathematical formulas, you can deduct what certain things will act like or what will happen if you do something or another. So yes and no, because there has to be a slight bit of information about the subject in the first place. Like with Geometrical proofs, you have to have a given statement to come to the conclusion.

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