
Can evolution and religion blend?

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Can Darwinian-Evolution theory be the answer to how God created the earth? Can they be supporting theories?




  1. To answer your question. Some people will say yes and some will say no. I guess its up to you to study the theory and make up your mind. However I will say no they can not blend in fact Darwinian Evolution is almost the apposite of what the Bible claims to be true. Some examples:

    Six day creation period from the Bible account and 5.6 (don't know if its correct now the number changes a lot) billion years of evolution of our planet. Some people will say that the days of the bible are time periods but look closely and you will see that, that makes no sense if god created plants be for the light then how would they survive?

    Death started with men's sin, when Adam disobeyed Gods command death was brought into the world by his action. With evolution death had to come before Adam sinned.

    Study on snake evolution upholds Bible account

    An international team of scientists including a professor from Israel's Technion Institute concluded in a recent study that snakes were once four-legged creatures.

    The findings, which were published in the scientific journal Nature, seemed to uphold the account in the biblical Book of Genesis where God curses the serpent for having played a role in deceiving mankind and sentences the creature to thereafter slither on its belly.

    The study attributes the change to a slow evolutionary process, but indirectly acknowledges that the loss of limbs was not a positive change for snakes, contradicting the belief of evolutionists that evolutionary changes are always a step forward

    I made up my mind and I rather do that then beat around the bush... i think is the expretion.


  2. There are several possible answers for the affirmative:

    First, back in century german philosopher Hegel stated that everything was set in motion by the energy of the Absolute Spirit (you can translate this as God), that matter started to organize itself under the urges coming from this Spirit, but that the Spirit by dealing with matter has alienated itself from its true nature. To come back to itself it had to overgrow matter and free itself trom its bonds. The process of evolution is exactly that  - the coming of the Absolute Spirit back to itself. Finally it succeeded by developing human self-conscience and capability of reflection. Religion, Art and philosophy are the three fields of human reflection where the spirit has already came back to its true nature - where it has dezalienated itself.

    At the beginning of 20th century there was an anthropologist priest, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, who wrote a book titled The Appearance of Man, much along the same lines. For him, there are two aspects of universe - the material and the spiritual aspect. Both can exist in either undifferentiated, diffused or highly organised forms. Evolution goes on for both, and while we don't know what will it bring on the material side, its final goal on the spiritual side is absolute consciensce, or point Omega as he calls it.

    Somewhat different is the hindu and Buddhist answer. For them the biological evolution is not an issue, for although they don't deny it, it is insignificant. What is significant is the evolution of the individual, who must grow in wisdom to the point of enligtment when it will become clear to him in a new, intuitive way that everything is One and individuality is but an illusion. By doing this one frees himself completely.

    Theoretical Physics in the second part of the 2oth Century has come to similar conclusions. Peculiar behaviour of elementary particles has led some physicists to speculate that neither matter nor spirit are authentic, but there must be some underlying unity they reflect each in its own way. Thus the material evolution as well as psychological individuality are both relatively young and only on the surface, while the word God could describe our intuitive feeling of this underlying Unity.

  3. I've asked myself the same question! I come from an East African Muslim background and my uncle is a zoologist, so from an early age O asked him the same thing (formulated differently ofcourse!). The answer he gave me, and that I believe until this day, is that we have no way of knowing for sure how the earth was created. Even if you do believe that God created it, it's hard to prove how, he could be behind evolution, setting things in motion and letting them naturally progress.

  4. being from a muslim background....i believe in quran which say that a couple of human being( Adam-Eve) were created by god.

    Darwin theoryy was a theory.......not a fact.

    it says we are created from apes due to slow we have apes and we havve human beings.....we don't have any intermediate state....  it means that all the apes were converted into humans at same time....its all rubbish....the apes we see today are left as it is???

  5. yes.

    but don't tell my mom that- she'd disown me

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