
Can excessive ejaculation be reduced?

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I have a problem with ejaculation. When I am with a woman I usually ejaculate about half a cup of s***n... I feel like a freak and try to delay, as long as possible, the moment where I finally 'explode'...

The women have never said anything but I am sure that she thinks freak in her mind...

Is there any way to reduce the amount of ejaculate?





  1. Hey, some women like it.

    I don't think you can change it. Just think of it as being more manly!

  2. Every guy is different. For the guys who want more for each ejaculation, they need to do so less frequently. For you sir, ejaculate more often. This can prove to be twice as nice:

    If you are expecting s*x for the upcoming evening, mastubate earlier that day. Besdies decreasing the load during your encounter, it may also extend your performance (making you last longer), which your partner will probably find to be pleasing.

  3. Yes, there is a way - age faster :)

    Most older guys will experience a smaller load as the prostate produces less seminal fluid with age.

    Why would you want to reduce the amount? The girls just love it, trust me.

    Anyway, whether you want it or not, when you get older, it will naturally reduce on its own...

  4. That just means your reproductive system is very healthy. You're just fine.

  5. haha woah half a cup? thats alot but who cares? longer cumming feeling right? dont worry about it too much if you wernt cumming at all that would be thee problem


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