
Can exist?

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there is a parallel universe habited by extraterrestrials?




  1. i hope so.. if not doctor who has a lot of explaining to do!!!

  2. statement or question? - y'know, really push yourself, see if you can stop wasting bandwidth & ppls time with a few words.... guaranteed you will not bother to pick an answer

  3. Anything can exist but we will never be able to either find or prove the existence of something like that. It then becomes something like if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it does it still make a sound.

  4. why not, i deffinitly think there could be one.

    there not going to ride down to earth in a aluminum rocket ship like movies, bc they would get crushed by the pressures of the universe

  5. Yea and i am one of them.

  6. Ahhh, but are they extraterrestrials? or Paraterrestrials?

    If its a parallel universe, they may still be from earth.

    At the same time, the propensity for a parallel universe does exist. Or at least, another plain of existance not in line with our own, but occupying the same space.

    These things are published in science journals every so often.

    It was the loose basis for the movie Hollowman with Kevin Bacon.


  8. good question but we wont know until we find it

  9. There could be, although I don't think it will be "parallel" to ours.

  10. Why EXTRATERRESTRIALS why don't parallel Earth and parallel Human Beings?

  11. no there is a need to interaction / intersection

  12. Parallel? Perhaps. Extradimensional? Most definately. It would be inhabited by extradimensionals.

  13. parallel means the same, so you should ask your current 1st grade teacher for more info

  14. Impossible to tell. Ever.  One of the reasons that many researchers grudgingly accept the concept of parallel universes is the "goldilocks" concept for lack of a better word.  For our universe to exist, the values of the fundamental forces have to be exactly right.  Otherwise stars can't shine and planets cannot form...  Our settings are "just right".  Assuming that the trillions of possible settings are equally likely, one way of explaining our existence is to postulate huge numbers of universes. With nearly infinite universes the odds are that some will be suitable for life to develop.  Of course the problem could be resolved by facts not in our possession.

    Another line of evidence for multiple universes is the "many-worlds" interpretation of quantum mechanics.  The numerous believers in this interpretation see nearly infinite parallel universes branching off from each other in response to "choices".  In this view of reality there could be nearly infinite numbers of civilizations, each a slight variation on another.

  15. Many, Many parallel universes.  And the easter bunny is in all of them.

  16. Does the Pope S**t in the woods? Actually, extraterrestrials only live in parallelogram shaped universes.

  17. No. I don't think there are parallel Universes out there. It doesn't really make any sense.

  18. Who knows? Most of us have no idea, and the ones who claim it is so, are deemed sci-fi geeks or completely bonkers!

    Ah well. We'll find out when we are meant to, if we are meant to.

  19. how would we know?
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