
Can extended Visa's be bought when in Europe?

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I'm going to Spain (Barcelona) for 4 months at the end of next week. I know you're only allowed to stay in the EU for 3 months for every 6, but I've been told that VISA's can be bought for extended stays ie. one extra month ($75) at a local police station. Can anyone confirm this?




  1. YES - you can apply for an extended visa while in the country.

  2. If you are American and live in the US, the following applies:

    National U.S.A. (US)            /Embarkation U.S.A. (US)

    Destination SPAIN (ES)          

    SPAIN (ES)

    Passport required (must be valid for period of intended stay).

    Visa not required for a stay of max. 3 months.

    If intended stay exceeds 3 months, visitor must apply for an

    extension at the Immigration Department.

    Visitor must hold:

    - visible means of support during stay; and

    - onward or return ticket and documents required for next


    Non-compliance with the entry regulations may result

    in fines between EUR 6,025.- and EUR 60,240.-.

    Minors travelling accompanied by parent or legal guardian:

    - up to/incl. 15 years old can be included in a parent's

      passport but must be accompanied by that passport holder;

    - all minors from 16 up to 18 years of age must hold their own

      passport or National Identity Card.

    Minors up to 18 years of age (from all countries) and

    travelling unaccompanied must hold:

    1. Passport; or

    2. National Identity Card, and

       exit form from country of origin (if required by that

       country) certified by the parent(s) or legal guardian. This

       certified exit form must be legalized by their local

       authorities, e.g. police, immigration authorities, etc.

    For travel within the Schengen area: travel documents are not

    generally required for travel within the Schengen area for

    immigration purposes, however, it is strongly recommended that

    the minor be in possession of the exit form, as passengers may

    be subject to random checks.

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