
Can eyes really change color on a daily basis?

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Or at all? My friends always talk about how "they don't know what their eye color is because they change all the time." They always look the same to me. Who is right?




  1. No, your eyes don't change color.  If you have light colored eyes, they might APPEAR to change based on reflections of what colors you are wearing.  But the actual color never changes.

  2. sure, depending on light, what they're wearing. my friends eyes go from brown to green when she cries.

  3. yup. My eyes are normally blue. They turn bright green when i'm pissed, and grey when I'm sad.

  4. NOT AT ALL....depends on the lighting, There is a pigment in the eye called melanin; blue eyes have no melanin while brown eyes have the most.  When your eyes are exposed to the sun the body produces melanin to protect the eyes from the harmful rays of the sun, and it may look to you as ur eyes are changing color........

  5. I have hazel eyes.  Wifey says they change colors with what I'm wearing.  I have noticed some slight changes in the mirror at times but I don't pay to much attention.  I can't say however who is right.  I assume everyones eyes change color at some point and time, but never enough for anyone to notice a dramatic difference.  Also, only reason wifey notices is because she claims to love my eyes...spends alot of time gazing and whatnot.  So unless your very very close and can notice pigment changes from a day to day basis...I would assume you wouldn't notice that much.

  6. yep. mine change on a monthly basis.

  7. Some ppls eyes change escpically to the color of the clothes tht ur wearing,

  8. It must be true, ive yet to see different. :( I want a different eye color.

  9. Mine change depending on what I'm wearing. But they're actually several different colors, so they "pick up" colors. I don't think they actually change.

  10. yeah they can

    when its really bright my eyes turn really light green almost see thorugh if u get what i mean

    when im about to got to bed thyre green, prolly cuz im happy

    and in the afternoon when its raining or dark they turn hazel (green and brown)

    and im not sure why

    it could be ur mood

    or the brightness/darkness

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