
Can family/ppl brainwash you, and how

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long do you think brainwashing can last, my friend use to tell me my family was brainwashing me which I see now they tried but the brainwashing is over for me, but on the otherhand I swear her family was and still is brainwashing her, and how she know to use that word(termonlogy) if it never crosses my mind. her family control her for years and still do, she still living at home in her 30's and her family lies, like they living in a fantasy world, everything perfect but no where need be, we don't talk as often but when we do she keeps it real I'm mean real short.




  1. Main Entry: brain·wash·ing  

    Pronunciation: \ˈbrān-ˌwȯ-shiŋ, -ˌwä-\

    Function: noun

    Etymology: translation of Chinese (Beijing) xǐnǎo

    Date: 1950

    1 : a forcible indoctrination to induce someone to give up basic political, social, or religious beliefs and attitudes and to accept contrasting regimented ideas

    2 : persuasion by propaganda or salesmanship

    It is possible. Your upbringing can be viewed as brainwashing. Anything that influences you to change your way of thinking can be viewed as brainwashing.

  2. Isn't "brainwashing" kind of the definition of child rearing?  Teach the offspring to believe the same as you. And believe for life too.  

  3. Yes yes and yes.  Family is, by nature, an environment that seeks to homogenize its members.  If you are different then you are very likely rejected, that is evolution's wings at play.  Some people never mature out of this stage, never realize that they are an individual, outside of the family pride.  But sadly most feel vicitmized.  Your friend has been oppressed by her family since day 1 of her life.  She may never realize that there is a world outside of family obligations.  There is little you can do but be available for her.  It is literally impossible for you to change her.  I am sorry to hear about it.

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