
Can family visit a exchange student while in the US? Or does that terminate the student from the program?

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My niece is coming to the US to study for one year. The host family has been told that if her uncle comes to their house to visit with the niece, that the program will send her back to her country right then. If someone sees him with her and reports it, she will be sent back. He just wants to help her for the first couple days as she is very timid. I believe the program she is using to come to the US is USA Government Exchange Program-SMG. Help! We don't want to get anyone in trouble, we just want to help her adjust.




  1. I've hosted before so let me tell you from the host family perspective to leave her alone and follow the rules.  

    A) this is suppose to be a growing experience for her.  How can she get over her first day of school if her Uncle is going to...what?  Go to school with her?  There really is nothing he can do for her anyway.  

    B) you need to back off.  A LOT.  If you meddle, she will not bond with her support system-her host family.  The host family is there for her, to smooth over culture shock, to teach her how Americans live (by example and by talking).  We had a student who broke the rules and was on the phone with her parents daily.  Anytime there was a problem, she called her parents, she didn't discuss things with us.  So, she'd have a minor little event (her back was sore after basketball practice) and call her parents.  They thought that it MUST be a big deal since she called home to tell them.  They'd get scared and call the org and demanded that she be taken to the hospital.  By the time the org called us and we talked to the girl, her back was fine and she didn't know why her parents were making a big deal about it.  Instead of calling her parents like she wasn't suppose to, she could have told one of us and we would have given her an aspirin and that would be the end of it.  This happened over and over and she did get sent home because she couldn't let go.  

    The students aren't here to see family, they are here to grow and challenge themselves.  Don't butt in and ruin it for her.


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