
Can fasting everyday from 5:45 AM to 8 PM everyday for 30 days cause you to relapse?

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I gotta fast for my religion this coming september and I am type I bipolar.

The last 2 or 3 years, the worst times of my life EVER have been right after the ending of that 30 day period. I now have a better understanding of bipolar and I think i relapsed each time and would be normal again till 3-6 months later.

If i have a risk of relapsing again, or falling into a very depressive stage, should I not fast?

Would this fall under

"you shouldn't do things that bring you harm"?




  1. when you fast, Its unto GOd, not man, So God honors what ever you say you are going to do. If you say to God you are going to fast  form 6am to 12noon..then he will honor that, as he knows everything about you. If its a health Issue, then is best to cut your time from what you stated. The main thing Is to honor what you tell God you are going to do..Thats all he requires .He knows your heart, and that you are willing to do it, but for health reason you are unable to God Bless you, and be well..

  2. 30 days???    I think this would cause you harm.  Before my husband went into the hospital, he didn't want to take his meds while fasting.  Yes this would fall under the "you shouldn't do things that bring you harm".   I don't know what religion you are, but my husband got sucked into the pentacostal religion.  As my husband is currently in the hospital (shizoprenia), a preacher told me that he didn't need any meds to put it ALL in Gods hands and to pray and have faith, and of course to fast.  I told the preacher that God helps those who help themselves, and he wouldn't be attending his church ever again if that was his attitude about medication.

    I guess what I want you to know is that God is a loving, understanding God and he knows fasting isn't right for you.  Please continue to do the right things and keep taking your meds.  God DOES understand.

  3. perhaps you could find some other sacrifice to make? or maybe fast for less time, but twice as long? or perhaps just give up a certain type of food, or something. talk to your religious leader... Ramadan is important yes, but im sure you shouldnt fast if its going to harm you.

    for example, i was supposed to do the 40 hour famine this year, but im not allowed because i had an eating disorder last year, and my parents think it will be too much for me to go through it again. instead, im giving up furniture and electricity, as well as junk food. find something that is important to YOU, and give that up. im not sure what the reasoning behind Ramadan is, but if it is just proving your faith, then why should it have to be food? give something equally important...

    look through the Koran, or ask your priest/rabbi/(sorry i dont know what to call him!) remember, in the end it is what YOU believe you should do. good luck!

  4. If you are reasonably certain that the fast caused you to have worse problems with your illness, I don't see how God would not forgive you if you didn't fast. Three to six months is a pretty long time to have to deal with that.

    I have depression and I fast. I'm usually okay with it but some years my mood starts to get worse and I have to stop. It usually takes me just a few days to week to get back on track.

    Just participate in the prayers and so on that go along with the fast skip the actual fasting. There is no shame in being careful when you have an illness.

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