
Can fat people go skinny-dipping?

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Can fat people go skinny-dipping?




  1. They CAN, but it will scar the people watching forever.

  2. If he or she can swim then yea

    "chunky dunking" LMAO!!!!

  3. YES, if you are not self conscious.  But the people watching you may be in for a scare or some looks.  But if you dont care what other people think and are comfortable with your own body, than the h**l with them.  Even fat people can let it all hang out if they really want to and arent concerned with others opinions.

  4. No, but they can swim naked.    : )

  5. Sure they can - but probably shouldn't.

  6. god no ewwwwww

  7. Sure.

  8. How Fat like 160lbs girl or 250 lbs girl? if its the latter of the 2 nooooooooooooooo.

  9. Alone yes, maybe.

    But not naked.

  10. Sure, at night in the dark.

  11. Unless they're too fat to take their clothes off, then sure, why not?

  12. why not?!!?

    anyone can basically do whatever they want to.

    being fat isnt a bad thing, you just have to embrace it!!

    be proud to be larger!

  13. that's stupid

  14. of course they can but that's really up to the level of confidence of the fat person.

    i think fat people go "CHUNKY DUNKING" rather than "SKINNY DIPPING"

  15. Of course, but anticipate to get wet.

  16. no they go fat dunking:]

  17. i believe the technical term is chunky dunk

  18. no i dont think so girl

  19. they're not skinny. so they can't go "skinny" dipping...i prefer to call it fondue. bahaha. fat dip...fondue.


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