
Can father keep ssi-diaability payments if 17 year old lives with mom?

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my 17 year old son has lived with me for over two years. He will be 18 in three months- his father draws disability-SSI payments on him and only gives my son a small amount of his portion each month. What can be done in this situation?




  1. Call SSI and tell them! If the payment were for the son, the kid should be getting it all! YOU are giving him a home and feeding him, so what is poor old Dad doing for him, except keeping the kids money!?

  2. You really need to check with social security on this.  Checks for the child of disabled, are supposed to be in the name of the person having custody of the child, since it is for their benefit and support. Dad may have been drawing this illegally since son has been with you.

    My husband has ms and had this.. when daughters moved in with mom, checks went with them.  No option, as I recall. I realize more than anyone how hard it is to live on disability.. but does not mean dad can break the law.  

  3. Absolutely Not! The Social Security Administration needs to be notified of the child's new residence. The child should get an attorney. Check with your local Legal Aid office. Your local court can direct you to them.

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